It is celebrated on 8 March every ye.......
Dogs are fascinating creatures, full of emotions and unique ways of expressing themselves. From w.......
Stray animals struggle every day for food, shelter, and safety. They often face hunger, disease, .......
Stray dogs are everywhere – often overlooked, sometimes feared, but always deserving of lov.......
Our dogs are family members who bring us joy and companionship. When they look at us with those p.......
Every living being on this planet, no matter how big or small, deserves a place where they feel s.......
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is a moment to honor the incredible journeys .......
Women entrepreneurship is reshaping economies and breaking barriers globally, and Lucknow, the Ci.......
World Kindness Day is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the importance of comp.......
Cancer is a heartbreaking disease that doesn’t only harm humans; it also deeply affects our.......
Rural women play a significant role in shaping communities and societies worldwide. Their contrib.......
Every year, on October 4th, people around the globe come together to recognize World Anim.......
The International Day of Peace, celebrated each year on September 21, is a poignant reminder of t.......
International Literacy Day, celebrated on September 8 each year, is a crucial mo.......
International Day of Charity is a powerful reminder of the difference we can mak.......
World Senior Citizen Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it's a celebration of the .......
Lucknow, a vibrant city known for its rich cultural heritage, is also home to a large population .......
World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5th each year, serves as a global platform for raising .......
Stray animals in Lucknow face numerous challenges, and organizations like IGSS NGO play a vital r.......
The situation for dogs and cats varies from cult.......
As the countdown to World Health Day begins, IGSS is preparing for an impactful initiative focuse.......
On this Doctors&.......
World NGO Day is a global celebration dedicated to recognizing the efforts of Non-Governmental Or.......
We all have been impacted by cancer directly or indirectly lost a loved to it or a familiar.......
National Girl Child Day is a momentous occasion celebrated annually on January 24th to raise awar.......
In the heart of Lucknow, where diversity thrives, stands with our NGO, we are dedicated to champi.......
In the heart of Lucknow, a city pulsating with life, there exists a silent army of heroes dedicat.......
November 25th marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a poigna.......
As the festive season of Diwali approaches, we are filled with joy and anticipation. The lights, .......
Instilling a sense of compassion and empathy towards animals is crucial in fostering a more human.......
Fostering a pet is a wonderful way to make a positive impact on the lives of animals in need. By .......
As humans, we often take for granted the beauty and diversity of the natural world that surrounds.......
“Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation f.......
World Breastfeeding Week, observed from 1st to 7th August each year, is a global campaign that ai.......
Every year on July 29th, the world unites to celebrate International Tiger Day, a day dedicated t.......
Animal shelters play a vital role in our communities, serving as safe havens for stray, abandoned.......
We all want our four-legged companions to be happy and in good shape as pet owners. Understanding.......
Every year on June 21, we celebrate International Yoga Day. This day is an opportunity to raise a.......
Every year on June 12, we celebrate World Day Against Child Labour. This day is an opportunity to.......
Every year on May 31st, the world observes Anti-Tobacco Day to raise awareness about the dangers .......
In India, there are an estimated 75.9 million dogs (55 dogs per 1000 people), including 62.1 mill.......
Every year on May 1st, people around the world celebrate International Labour Day, also known as .......
In India, there are 91 lakh street cats and 6.2 crore stray dogs. Their living standards are beyo.......
Good habits are ingrained in people from a young age and last a lifetime. Trying to take care of .......
As Budda once rightly said "Health is the greatest gift, contentment the g.......
Water is the most important and crucial part of our existence it is scientifically and naturally .......
More than merely inhaling it. Smoking ex.......
The global celebration known as International Women's Day honors the social, economic, cultur.......
“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel lo.......
Every day you come across dogs who are unhealthy, malnourished, wounded or a victim of an acciden.......
Animals are capable of giving us a lifetime of unconditional love without expecting anything in r.......
"We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.We call upon our sisters ar.......
Many animal care NGOs and volunteers work wit.......
Many young animal lovers decided to start their New Year in a unique and special way. On the New .......
Have you ever thought of being a warrior? The one who has superpowers like flying in the sky, who.......
This article is written by IGSS Animal Care Ngo in Lucknow. This article will be about a IGSS.......
Every year on December 1, people worldwide remember World AIDS Day. People from all around the wo.......
We live in a society where women relentlessly becomes victim of discriminative brutality. No.......
International Day for Tolerance.......
World Diabetes Day
Life Is not over beca.......
Happy Children's Day
A warm wish for.......
Celebrating Diwali makes us happy, but what about these.......
Babies and animals are the mirrors of nature
Feeding Stray's Everyday...!!
Be kind to stray animals
Dog Paralysed from car accident walk's again
Breast Cancer Awareness
Cancer Awareness
"You can .......
10 cancer care NGOs.......
It's our duty as a human to assure that quality of life experienced by an animal and encompas.......
Donation is a pure act of kindness, that you are helping other is usually empowering and, in turn.......
Women should have the freedom and choice to make their own decisions. However, women's empowe.......
It is exploiting children through all those forms of work which is depriving their childhood, and.......
A Women Empowered Is A Legacy Empowered
The Strongest Weakest Section Of The Society